Friday, August 10, 2012

Registration is OPEN!

We are now accepting registration for the September 22nd golf tournament!

This year, please register online via our official event page if at all possible. It's easy - click on the pink "Sign up for this event" button and complete the registration.

Registration will not be complete until we receive your registration fee:

$20 check made out to Rally for the Cure with our event ID # in the memo line - 52764

$80 check made out to Nicole E. Chenet 

Please mail checks to:

Nicole E. Chenet
3075 Amberlea Lane
Baldwinsville, NY 13027

*Please indicate that you have completed online registration by including a note with your registration fee - this way we can make sure your online registration was successful, and contact you if there were any problems*

Those only looking to attend the reception following the tournament can register by sending a $40 check made out to Nicole E. Chenet.

If you require a paper registration form, please contact us via email at We will be happy to email a copy for you to print, complete and mail back along with your two checks.

Feel free to email us if you are having difficulty completing online registration!

Sneak Peek...

Anyone recognize this guy?

It's Sione Pouha, #91, of the New York Jets! 
He was gracious enough to sign a football for our auction and take this photo.
Not to mention he was the kindest, funniest "celebrity" I've met. 
If you're a Jets fan (or an NFL fan in general!) you're going to want to bid on this football!

Other items for the Chinese Auction include a $25 gift card from Sweet On Chocolate in Armory Square and an awesome pair of ladies Ecco golf shoes, courtesy of Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Baum.

We absolutely need additional auction items so PLEASE contact us if you are willing to donate. 

See you soon, and don't forget to register! 

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